Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Shaeldre, Human Warrior

Shaeldre was my fourth level 60, my first to 70, and also my first character on Bronzebeard. I made her to be a part of Daughters of the Alliance, an all-female World of Warcraft guild. We formed up via the wow_ladies livejournal community (after Daughters of the Horde had already been formed earlier). First I'd actually created the warrior Aridae, but around level 25 I realized just wasn't into how she looked so I rerolled Shaeldre. (Aridae is now my bank alt.)

After leveling four characters to 60 I finally knew how to level and gain money - Shaeldre was my first character to completely afford her level 40 mount by herself (my priest, Cerelinde, was about 5g short, but very close) and she also was able to keep herself kitted out in superior quality items through 60 and buy her epic mount as soon as she hit level 60.

She's usually Fury spec, though I dip into Protection every now and then. I prefer DPS to tanking though - at least most of the time! Tanking for people who are way geared over me is just frustrating, but I can enjoy it from time to time. It's a bit too stressful for me though :)

Anyway, Shaeldre was my only character on Bronzebeard for a long time - I transferred my mage, Alazais, to join her before Burning Crusade, and then afterward transferred my remaining Mannoroth characters (except for my hunter), as well as my priest from Stormrage. I'm now an officer in Daughters of the Alliance and act as a raid leader for our raids - so far we've just done Karazhan and started Gruul's Lair, but it's really fun to raid with such a laid back group.

Shaeldre has somewhat taken to the back burner since my guild is overall in need of healers and I'm not much of a fan of tanking. I'm hoping to revive her a bit in Wrath of the Lich King though ;)

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