Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Alazais, Human Mage

Alazais was my second character to level 60 - just barely. She was my first real "primary alt" though. Back when I started to level her, it was the days when you were stupid if you went to almost any instance without a mage. People just didn't know, back then, how to get around a need for aoe - and of course they had all these other snazzy perks like food and water vending.

So, I made a mage! I felt super powerful until level 50 or so. I'd planned to aoe grind my way to 60 via Dire Maul or Maraudon but both places were nerfed before I reached there, so while I quickly hit 52 or so, I slowly gained levels to 60 after that. She ended up hitting 60 while farming Timbermaw rep with a guildie hunter.

She collected dust... often. I just wasn't that into her and she felt very wimpy and pointless compared to my hunter, especially once I became a kiting and feign-death trapping pro (yeah, back then we had to feign death in order to retrap during combat, and walk uphill both ways yadda yadda). But my boyfriend after raiding for a while decided to go on a quest to collect the rest of his Wildheart set, and since my hunter didn't need anything from those instances anymore, I started going on my mage. I ended up with a very nice pre-raiding set and eventually even went to Molten Core with her.

After a while though I was realizing that she just wasn't that useful to me on Mannoroth, so I transferred her to Bronzebeard, renamed her to Alazais (she was named Alanis on Mannoroth... a reference to a young mage girl in Suikoden, NOT the popular singer) and there she has stayed.

Alazais was my third character to level 70. She's sitting at 375 tailoring and enchanting and has a pretty respectable damage set - not much +hit but I don't really intend to raid with her very much, if at all. She's an incredibly fun character for heroics though, and I'm glad that I did eventually put the effort into her and not just leave her sitting at level 50, weak and lonely ;)

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