Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Hitting goals

Lately my characters have been hitting or quickly approaching the numbers goals I've set for them.

Alazais, my fire mage, just reached over 1000 fire damage last night. She's sitting pretty at 1050 +fire self-buffed :) Pretty snazzy! My shadow priest has also just reached over 1000 +shadow unbuffed.

My biggest goal right now is to hit 2000 healing on my resto druid. She's at 1778 at the moment. I need new boots (from SSC or from Doom Lord Kazzak), the badge mace, ZA timed event belt, PvP season 4 neck, badge gloves, and badge pants to hit over 2k I think. My guild isn't in SSC yet, but hopefully soon!

Hitting goals really makes me feel good about the game though :) Otherwise it just feels like an endless grind...